Archeological Exploration in Abydos, Egypt
1904_Image_001.jpg 1904 Plan by Margaret Murray of the discovery of the Osireion showing its relation to the Temple of Sety I
1904_Image_002.jpg 1900 first excavations and discovery of the Osirieon by Margaret Murray and Mrs. Petrie
1904_Image_003.jpg 1900 Osireion sculptured chamber discovered by Margaret Murray and Mrs. Petrie view is north
1914_Historical_002.jpg 1914 Osireion stone removal. View is towards north east.
1914_Historical_003.jpg Osireion 1914 stone removal. View is north west
1914_Historical_004.jpg 1914 Osireion stone removal. View is north east.
1914_Historical_010.jpg OSIREION 1914 stone removal. View is north east.
1914_Historical_013.png 1914 Naville Excavations At Abydos. View is toward east
1914_Historical_014.png 1914 Naville excavations at Abydos. View of the grea! pool looking north
1914_Historical_015.png Naville Excavations At Abydos Plan- of- the-great-pool- and- of-the- tomb- of-Osiris
1914_Historical_016.png Naville Excavations At Abydos The beginning of the work - january 1914
1914_Historical_017.png 1914 Naville Excavations At Abydos The-northeast- corner-of-the-Great- Pool- showing- the- well-preserved- masonry- of-the-north- wall
1914_Historical_018.png 1914 Naville Excavations At Abydos The- southwest - corner -of- the-Great - Pool- showlng-cyclopean-walls
1914_Image_011.png Naville Aeriel Schematic
1914_Image_019.png 1914 Sarcophagus Cell Breakthrough
1914_Report_003.pdf Eduoard Naville's 1914 report about uncovering the Osireion
1925_Image_001.jpg 1925-6 Abydos aeriel photo of Sety Temple and Osireion
1925_Image_002.jpg 1925-6 aerial photo of abydos
1925_Image_003.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 01
1925_Image_004.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 02
1925_Image_005.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 001
1925_Image_006.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 002
1925_Image_007.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 003
1925_Image_008.jpg OSIREION 1925-6 view is towards west.
1925_Image_009.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 View is looking east
1925_Image_010.jpg OSIREION 192 S- 6
1925_Image_011.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6
1925_Image_012.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6
1925_Image_013.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6
1925_Image_014.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6
1925_Image_015.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6
1925_Image_016.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 012
1925_Image_017.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 013
1925_Image_018.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 View is looking south
1925_Image_019.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 01S
1925_Image_020.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6
1925_Image_021.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 017
1925_Image_022.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 This shows the removal of the dirt in Merneptah's tunnel. View is looking north.
1925_Image_025.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6
1925_Image_026.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 Using counter balance cars to revove rubble from Osireion excavations
1925_Image_027.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 View is looking west.
1925_Image_028.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 024
1925_Image_029.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 02S
1925_Image_030.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 Northeast corner.
1925_Image_032.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 view is looking east with Sety Temple in background.
1925_Image_033.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 view is north
1925_Image_035.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 033
1925_Image_036.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 034
1925_Image_037.jpg OSIREION 1925- 6 03S